Generic Interfaces to Remote Applications in Open Systems


Dokumentart: Aufsatz
Sprache: Englisch
Erstellungsjahr: 1998
Freie Schlagwörter (Englisch): Distributed Systems
DDC-Sachgruppe: Informatik
BK - Klassifikation: 54.89 , 54.64 , 54.20

Kurzfassung auf Englisch:

Future industrial production and engineering environments will profit substantially from emerging open distributed computer communication network environments. They will, in principle, be able to benefit from a high potential of services available in such environments to support individual client applications. In practice, however, free and flexible client/ server cooperations are frequently hindered by the great and confusing variety of interfaces involved in accessing various and heterogeneous network services. In order to support open client/ server cooperations in distributed systems, this contribution proposes a unifying description mechanism for remote services in computer networks. It describes an application oriented generic ommunication service, which facilitates client/ server cooperation in open systems. Most important basis for such a service is a uniform service specification mechanism for open server interfaces. Correspondingly, the paper first specifies a specific service interface description language (SIDL). It then shows how such a service interface description could also be used for automatic creation of serverspecific local human user interfaces. In combination, a generic network interface description language (NIDL) specification, as proposed here, supports client applications in open systems by providing a common mechanism to access and utilize any service available anywhere in the network.

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