Regional Activities:
Workshop: Coastal Change as a Challenge for Society, Culture, and Spatial Planning;
RADOST on Tour: Baltic Sea Coast 2100 – On the Way to Regional Climate Adaptation;
Monitoring the Environmental Conditions in the Nearshore Area;
National Activities:
Outstanding Climate Adaptation;
International Activities:
RADOST in Exchange with Coastal Planners in the USA;
Short Film on Climate Change Adaptation in Germany, Poland,
and the Baltic States;
Analyses of the Perception of Climate Change Along the
German Baltic Sea Coast;
RADOST Studies on Artificial Reefs
Regional Activities:
Artificial Reefs as a Coastal Protection Measure and Diving Area;
Meadows and Forests in the Baltic Sea: RADOST Event at the LLUR;
Rocks for the Algae Forest;
Workshop ´´Municipal Coastal Protection under Modified Climate Conditions´´;
The Beach as Air Conditioner;
RADOST Workshop on Coastal Tourism in Hamburg;
International Activities:
RADOST at the UN Climate Conference in Cancún;
Using Synergies – the New Project BALTADAPT;
First RADOST Annual Report Now Online;
Book Publication on the Impacts of Global Change on the Baltic Region
Regional Activities:
Symposium: Beach management;
The significance of regional networks;
Hanse Sail Business Forum;
RADOST-Workshop on Network Building;
Investing in beaches – Adaptation activities in Kühlungsborn;
Conference on extreme weather events;
International Activities:
UN Climate Change Conference in Cancún;
New project: Regional availability of climate data;
Summer School in Warnemünde;
Regional Activities:
Already adapted?
German coastal associations tackle climate change;
Action Day in Rostock;
Climate Alliance Kiel Bay is launched;
First annual RADOST conference;
An Introduction to the RADOST advisory board;
Climate change on the German Baltic Sea coast;
International Activities:
Dinner Dialogue on America’s Climate Choices;
Global Oceans Conference 2010;
Climate Change at the Baltic Sea Coast – The RADOST Project;
RADOST Annual Conference 2010;
Regional Activities:
Extractive Polyculture in the Kiel Fjord;
Kick-off meeting – RADOST focus network “Conservation and Land Use”;
Baltic Tourism Network for Climate Change Adaption is launched;
Kick-off for RADOST pilot projects for drainage management;
Geographic Information System (GIS) for RADOST online;
Stakeholder and institutional analysis in RADOST;
International Activities:
RADOST Side Event in Copenhagen;
Transatlantic Media Dialogue regarding;
Climate Policy in Europe and the US;
BaltCICA: 1st International Conference;
Dinner Dialogue;
INKA BB sees itself as an innovation network encompassing academia and business practice that brings about change proactively. As a role model and partner, the network wishes to disseminate findings and initiate learning processes. To achieve this, we combine the region’s existing expertise of research institutions, public administrations, business enterprises and associations. The network operates in Brandenburg with a federal state-wide focus. Most site- and company-related measures are undertaken in the regions of Lausitz-Spreewald and Uckermark-Barnim, as well as in the metropolis of Berlin.
Political and administrative structures play an important role in climate adaptation. Political scientific analysis can identify factors and scopes of action, which could increase the adaptive capacity. The Governance Team therefore investigated key sectors in the Metropolitan Region, including spatial planning, water management, coastal and inland flood protection,
and civil protection.
Due to growing animal stocks and increasing numbers of biogas facilities (fermentation residues), as well as the limited possibilities for use as fertilizer, handling liquid manure involves ever greater distances. In the future therefore, important steps will involve both an increase in transport-worthiness and a reduction of transport routes and quantities of organic nutrient-containing materials produced; this is especially true for liquid manure and fermentation residues. New, climate-adapted business models need to be developed. During the course of the nordwest2050 project, The Naturdünger-Verwertungs GmbH (Natural Fertilizer Recycling Company/NDV), functioning as an expert and a multiplier, provided data on background knowledge especially for the presentation series Land-Use in the Context of Climate Change in the Northwest.
Rather than focusing on climate-protection measures, the Bremen Cargo Distribution Center (GVZ Bremen) has identified measures for adaptation to climate change. In 2011 and 2012 the Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL), together with the Bremen University of Applied Science, carried out a comprehensive empirical investigation of the effects of climate change on the logistics sector of the Metropolitan Region Bremen-Oldenburg in the Northwest. The results clearly show that the expected impacts of climate change could mean a new challenge, both for the GVZ and for individual companies at the Center.