Impacts of climate change on agriculture have been predominantly analyzed by using biophysical and crop specific model applications. Vulnerability assessments which identify the vulnerability of regions with their farming systems are urgently required, because agricultural adaptations to climate change are related to regional specifics, and therefore research has to consider the regional level. Therefore sector- and system-specific approaches have to be developed. This paper presents the methodology of a vulnerability assessment for organic farming systems in the Brandenburg Region, which considers regional-specific climatic impact, as well as the regional-specific adaptive capacity. In this region, the cultivation and management of legume-grass swards have a key position, especially the climate change impact on legume symbiotic nitrogen fixation and nitrogen mineralization. Adaptation strategies of crop production systems include reduced soil tillage, which plays an important role also in organic farming systems (reducing soil erosion, improving water infiltration, reducing evaporation and improving soil structure, control of N-dynamics) are developed and tested by means of an action research approach.
In order to initiate the design, communication and implementation of the transformation to a lowconflict and climate-adapted land-use system, the Centers of Competence e.V. organized three events in the context of nordwest2050 between 2010 and 2013. In cooperation with the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, a dialogue was initiated in which heterogeneity of the issues and the various interests of the actors on the issue of land-use was discussed and a solution-oriented manner. At the second and largest event, in February 2013, the »Aurich Declaration,« a regional statement on the most important land-use problems, and concrete approaches to solutions, was adopted. It is represented and supported by a wide range of authors from the region.
Due to growing animal stocks and increasing numbers of biogas facilities (fermentation residues), as well as the limited possibilities for use as fertilizer, handling liquid manure involves ever greater distances. In the future therefore, important steps will involve both an increase in transport-worthiness and a reduction of transport routes and quantities of organic nutrient-containing materials produced; this is especially true for liquid manure and fermentation residues. New, climate-adapted business models need to be developed. During the course of the nordwest2050 project, The Naturdünger-Verwertungs GmbH (Natural Fertilizer Recycling Company/NDV), functioning as an expert and a multiplier, provided data on background knowledge especially for the presentation series Land-Use in the Context of Climate Change in the Northwest.
The restaurant trade is increasingly facing delivery bottlenecks as a result of climate change, which may even cause interruptions of the production of food products. Due to reduced yields and at the same time increased resource requirements, cost pressures are rising. In order to face these challenges in a timely manner, the DEHOGA East Friesland & Weser-Ems District Association is developing climate adaptation strategies for the restaurant trade. In the present project, the effects of climate change are analyzed, and specific solution paths for the restaurant trade are developed and communicated within the DEHOGA District Association.
Regional Activities:
Looking Back on Five Years of RADOST;
RADOST Final Conference Takes Stock, Looks Ahead;
Looking Back: Comments on RADOST;
Bay of Kiel Climate Alliance Seeks to Make the Region a Climate Conscious Vacation Destination;
What’s Next after RADOST?
New Web Tool: “Northern German Climate Monitor”;
International Activities:
RADOST at the European Maritime Day;
Contributions wanted for ECCA Conference 2015;
Communicating Adaptation to Regional Climate Change Impacts;
New RADOST reports;
Third Special Edition of “Coastal & Marine“
Regional Activities:
RADOST Event at the Darßer Arche;
Save the Date: RADOST Final Conference;
Local Adaptation Strategies for Schleswig-Holstein;
Bay of Kiel Climate Alliance Supports Adaptation Strategy
of the City of Kiel;
“Nothing Stays the Same” – RADOST at the BWK Federal Congress;
Concordance Maps in the North German Climate Atlas;
International Activities:
Adaptation to Climate Change in Mountain & Coastal Areas;
„Die Zeit“ Reports on RADOST;
4th RADOST Annual Report;
Adaptation Strategy for the Ports of Lübeck
Regional Activities:
Schoolchildren Explore Biodiversity in a Changing Climate;
Rügen in the Year 2030;
RADOST Findings in the “Climate Change in Northern Germany” Dossier;
International Activities:
RADOST at the ECCA Conference;
Adaptation in Mountain & Coastal Areas;
Book Release: “Climate Change Adaptation in Practice”;
Contested Values and Practices in the US;
“Coastal & Marine” Magazine;
International Examples of Climate Change Adaptation
Regional Activities:
The Bay of Kiel Climate Alliance Receives BMU Support;
Northern German Regional Conference;
New Website Provides Information about the Need for Coastal Protection;
RADOST GIS Presents Water Quality Indicators;
Coastal Research, Use, and Protection;
National Activities:
KLIMZUG Final Conference;
International Activities:
HELCOM Workshop in Warnemünde;
RADOST at the Dupont Summit 2012;
Results of the 2012 RADOST Tour;
Integrating Climate Change into Economic Analyses under the EU Water Framework Directive
Regional Activities:
Science on Tour along the Baltic Sea Coast;
Climate Pavilion Schönberg Inaugurated;
New RADOST Partner: Hamburg University of Technology;
First Organic Mussels from Kiel;
International Activities:
Climate Change Impacts in the Baltic Sea Region: Assessment Report Provides Opportunity for Discussion;
Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe;
Transatlantic Exchange of Adaptation Measures;
Regional Activities:
RADOST: Baltic Sea Coast 2100;
Close Cooperation with Tourism Experts in the Future;
The Bay of Kiel Climate Alliance takes a new Direction;
National Activities:
Second Regional Conference on Climate Adaptation Communities in Climate Change;
International Activities:
National Adaptation Strategies in the Baltic States;
Exchange of Experiences with Practitioners in the USA;
Chinese Delegation Shows Interest in Coastal Research in Kiel;
RADOST and Baltadapt at Green Week and the UN Climate Conference;
RADOST at the Baltic Sea Days
Perceptions and Activities regarding Climate Change on
the German Baltic Sea Coast;
Handbook „Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in the
Baltic Sea Region“;
New Edition of “Meer & Küste”;
Assessment of the Influence of Climate Change on Development Potential for Near-surface Geothermal Energy