Bakenhus Biofleisch GmbH is an organic meat processor and marketer which obtains its meat from its own and from other organic farms. All products – beef, pork, lamb and poultry – are produced according to the strict guidelines of organic food associations and in the traditions of the trade. Thus, Bakenhus Biofleisch GmbH is certified under the Naturland, Bioland and Demeter guidelines. Climate adaptation possibilities in the butcher’s trade are being developed in the context of the nordwest2050 Research Project.
One of the important parts of the final conference of ‘nordwest2050’ has been the scientific exchange sessions in the House of Science and the Industryclub Bremen. Contributions were based upon a call for papers from October 2013. The scientific committee received almost 100 abstracts where 36 were chosen for oral presentations and 15 for poster presentations (see overview tables below).
Four main topics were discussed in parallel workshops:
• Analysing Impacts and Assessing Vulnerabilities
• Designing and Testing Solutions for Regional Climate Adaptation and Resilience
• Implementing Climate Adaptation and Paths to a Resilient Future
• Resilience for Business: Climate Adaptation Challenge and Strategies of Sectors and Companies
Due to growing animal stocks and increasing numbers of biogas facilities (fermentation residues), as well as the limited possibilities for use as fertilizer, handling liquid manure involves ever greater distances. In the future therefore, important steps will involve both an increase in transport-worthiness and a reduction of transport routes and quantities of organic nutrient-containing materials produced; this is especially true for liquid manure and fermentation residues. New, climate-adapted business models need to be developed. During the course of the nordwest2050 project, The Naturdünger-Verwertungs GmbH (Natural Fertilizer Recycling Company/NDV), functioning as an expert and a multiplier, provided data on background knowledge especially for the presentation series Land-Use in the Context of Climate Change in the Northwest.