Regional Activities:
RADOST Annual Conference 2011 in Travemünde;
Research at Anchor;
Stakeholder Analysis;
RADOST-Workshop “Coastal Tourism”;
BSSSC/BALTEX Conference “Adaptation to Climate Change
on the Regional Level”;
Workshop “Baltic Sea and Baltic Sea Coast between Climate Change and Climate Adaptation”;
Mussel Workshop at the Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde;
International Activities:
Climate Change, the Science Policy Interface and Coastal Zone Management;
Workshops on Regional Availability of Climate Knowledge in the Baltic Sea Region
Regional Activities:
Artificial Reefs as a Coastal Protection Measure and Diving Area;
Meadows and Forests in the Baltic Sea: RADOST Event at the LLUR;
Rocks for the Algae Forest;
Workshop ´´Municipal Coastal Protection under Modified Climate Conditions´´;
The Beach as Air Conditioner;
RADOST Workshop on Coastal Tourism in Hamburg;
International Activities:
RADOST at the UN Climate Conference in Cancún;
Using Synergies – the New Project BALTADAPT;
First RADOST Annual Report Now Online;
Book Publication on the Impacts of Global Change on the Baltic Region