Land und ländliche Siedlungsräume
- Ausgabe (Heft) zu einer Zeitschrift (19) (entfernen)
- Vulnerabilität (19) (entfernen)
- RADOST (19) (entfernen)
- NEWS [English Version] (2010)
- Content: Climate Change at the Baltic Sea Coast – The RADOST Project; RADOST Annual Conference 2010; Regional Activities: Extractive Polyculture in the Kiel Fjord; Kick-off meeting – RADOST focus network “Conservation and Land Use”; Baltic Tourism Network for Climate Change Adaption is launched; Kick-off for RADOST pilot projects for drainage management; Geographic Information System (GIS) for RADOST online; Stakeholder and institutional analysis in RADOST; International Activities: RADOST Side Event in Copenhagen; Transatlantic Media Dialogue regarding; Climate Policy in Europe and the US; BaltCICA: 1st International Conference; Dinner Dialogue; Publications
- NEWS [English Version] (2010)
- Content: Regional Activities: Already adapted? German coastal associations tackle climate change; The IMK in RADOST; Action Day in Rostock; Climate Alliance Kiel Bay is launched; First annual RADOST conference; An Introduction to the RADOST advisory board; Climate change on the German Baltic Sea coast; International Activities: Dinner Dialogue on America’s Climate Choices; Global Oceans Conference 2010; Publications
- NEWS [English Version] (2010)
- Content: Regional Activities: Symposium: Beach management; The significance of regional networks; Hanse Sail Business Forum; RADOST-Workshop on Network Building; Investing in beaches – Adaptation activities in Kühlungsborn; Conference on extreme weather events; International Activities: UN Climate Change Conference in Cancún; New project: Regional availability of climate data; Summer School in Warnemünde; Publications
- NEWS [English Version] (2011)
- Content: Regional Activities: Artificial Reefs as a Coastal Protection Measure and Diving Area; Meadows and Forests in the Baltic Sea: RADOST Event at the LLUR; Rocks for the Algae Forest; Workshop ´´Municipal Coastal Protection under Modified Climate Conditions´´; The Beach as Air Conditioner; RADOST Workshop on Coastal Tourism in Hamburg; International Activities: RADOST at the UN Climate Conference in Cancún; Using Synergies – the New Project BALTADAPT; Publications: First RADOST Annual Report Now Online; Book Publication on the Impacts of Global Change on the Baltic Region
- NEWS [English Version] (2011)
- Content: Regional Activities: RADOST Annual Conference 2011 in Travemünde; Research at Anchor; Stakeholder Analysis; RADOST-Workshop “Coastal Tourism”; BSSSC/BALTEX Conference “Adaptation to Climate Change on the Regional Level”; Workshop “Baltic Sea and Baltic Sea Coast between Climate Change and Climate Adaptation”; Mussel Workshop at the Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde; International Activities: Climate Change, the Science Policy Interface and Coastal Zone Management; Workshops on Regional Availability of Climate Knowledge in the Baltic Sea Region
- NEWS [English Version] (2012)
- Content: Regional Activities: Workshop: Coastal Change as a Challenge for Society, Culture, and Spatial Planning; RADOST on Tour: Baltic Sea Coast 2100 – On the Way to Regional Climate Adaptation; Monitoring the Environmental Conditions in the Nearshore Area; National Activities: Outstanding Climate Adaptation; International Activities: RADOST in Exchange with Coastal Planners in the USA; Short Film on Climate Change Adaptation in Germany, Poland, and the Baltic States; Publications: Analyses of the Perception of Climate Change Along the German Baltic Sea Coast; RADOST Studies on Artificial Reefs
- NEWS [English Version] (2012)
- Content: Regional Activities: RADOST: Baltic Sea Coast 2100; Close Cooperation with Tourism Experts in the Future; The Bay of Kiel Climate Alliance takes a new Direction; National Activities: Second Regional Conference on Climate Adaptation Communities in Climate Change; International Activities: National Adaptation Strategies in the Baltic States; Exchange of Experiences with Practitioners in the USA; Chinese Delegation Shows Interest in Coastal Research in Kiel; RADOST and Baltadapt at Green Week and the UN Climate Conference; RADOST at the Baltic Sea Days Publications: Perceptions and Activities regarding Climate Change on the German Baltic Sea Coast; Handbook „Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in the Baltic Sea Region“; New Edition of “Meer & Küste”; Assessment of the Influence of Climate Change on Development Potential for Near-surface Geothermal Energy
- NEWS [English Version] (2012)
- Content: Regional Activities: Science on Tour along the Baltic Sea Coast; Climate Pavilion Schönberg Inaugurated; New RADOST Partner: Hamburg University of Technology; First Organic Mussels from Kiel; International Activities: Climate Change Impacts in the Baltic Sea Region: Assessment Report Provides Opportunity for Discussion; Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe; Transatlantic Exchange of Adaptation Measures; Publications
- NEWS [English Version] (2013)
- Content: Regional Activities: The Bay of Kiel Climate Alliance Receives BMU Support; Northern German Regional Conference; New Website Provides Information about the Need for Coastal Protection; RADOST GIS Presents Water Quality Indicators; Coastal Research, Use, and Protection; National Activities: KLIMZUG Final Conference; International Activities: HELCOM Workshop in Warnemünde; RADOST at the Dupont Summit 2012; Publications: Results of the 2012 RADOST Tour; Integrating Climate Change into Economic Analyses under the EU Water Framework Directive
- NEWS [English Version] (2014)
- Content: Regional Activities: Looking Back on Five Years of RADOST; RADOST Final Conference Takes Stock, Looks Ahead; Looking Back: Comments on RADOST; Bay of Kiel Climate Alliance Seeks to Make the Region a Climate Conscious Vacation Destination; What’s Next after RADOST? New Web Tool: “Northern German Climate Monitor”; International Activities: RADOST at the European Maritime Day; Contributions wanted for ECCA Conference 2015; Publications: Communicating Adaptation to Regional Climate Change Impacts; New RADOST reports; Third Special Edition of “Coastal & Marine“