short + sharp
- Vulnerabilität (7)
- Anpassung (2)
- Resilienz (2)
- 8
Results of a Company Survey (2014)
- The survey of 4.000 companies in the metropolitan area of Bremen-Oldenburg in north-western Germany conducted by the University of Oldenburg as part of the ‚nordwest2050’ project in 2010 and 2012 showed that the economic importance of climate change is growing. The 2012 survey revealed that 38% of the companies polled already saw climate change as an important success factor for their company. In 2010, 31% of the companies surveyed said that they ascribed a “high” to “very high importance” to climate change for corporate success.
- 4.2
Vulnerability Analysis - ENERGY SUPPLY SYSTEM (2011)
- Two circumstances have shaped the vulnerability assessment presented here: the current strong structural dynamics of the energy sector, albeit with no clear direction; and the fact that the energy providers have long been prepared to deal with a large variety of climatic and economic uncertainties.
- 4.1
Regional Vulnerability Analysis (2011)
- Wie verwundbar eine Region durch den Klimawandel ist, hängt wesentlich von zwei sehr unterschiedlichen Faktoren ab: zum einen davon, wie stark die möglichen Auswirkungen durch die projizierten Klimaänderungen sind, zum anderen davon, wie die Fähigkeit der Gesellschaft entwickelt ist, sich an die Folgen des Klimawandels anzupassen. Beides ist im Rahmen der Verwundbarkeitsanalyse für verschiedene Sektoren und Handlungsbereiche in der Metropolregion Bremen-Oldenburg im Nordwesten untersucht worden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, welche Sektoren gefährdet sind und wo es einen höheren oder geringeren Anpassungsbedarf gibt. Damit stellt die Verwundbarkeitsanalyse eine Grundlage für die Entwicklung einer regionalen Anpassungsstrategie dar.
- 4.4
Vulnerability Analysis - The Political and Administrative Structures (2011)
- Political and administrative structures play an important role in climate adaptation. Political scientific analysis can identify factors and scopes of action, which could increase the adaptive capacity. The Governance Team therefore investigated key sectors in the Metropolitan Region, including spatial planning, water management, coastal and inland flood protection, and civil protection.
- 4.5
Vulnerability Analysis - Ports and Logistics Industry (2011)
- Die wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten in den Häfen und in der hafennahen Logistik gelten als ein zentraler Treiber für wirtschaftliches Wachstum in der Metropolregion Bremen-Oldenburg. Aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung ist die Fähigkeit zur Klimaanpassung ein zentrales Kriterium, um die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu gewährleisten.
- 4.3
Vulnerability Analysis - FOOD INDUSTRY (2011)
- The vulnerability analysis of the food industry in the Metropolitan Region Bremen-Oldenburg is based on an examination of the supply chains of the poultry, pork, dairy and fish industries.
- 3
Companies in Times of Climate Change (2011)
- The results of a survey of 4000 companies in the Bremen-Oldenburg metropolitan region in north-western Germany show that climate change is an ever more significant business management factor for companies. In this issue of SHORT AND SHARP, we present an overview of the risks and opportunities which various industries see ahead of them, and of the conclusions which can be drawn for adaptation strategies.