Bidirectional Attribute Evaluation

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Document type: TechReport
Series: Berichte des Fachbereichs Informatik der Universität Hamburg
Volume Number: 220
Language: English
Year of creation: 1999
Date of publication:
Keywords from authority file SWD (German): Algorithmus
Free keywords (English): parallel algorithm , attributed derivation tree
Dewey Decimal Classification: Computer science

Abstract in English:

Our intention is to describe a parallel algorithm (using two processors) for evaluating the attribute instances of an attributed derivation tree. In the first section, we present some basic notions (graphs, trees, context free and attribute grammars). The second section emphasizes two ways for representing the ordered oriented trees and the bidirectional traversal is also pointed out. In the third section, we present a new approach for evaluating the attribute instances of an attributed derivation tree. We have called this strategy the bidirectional attribute evaluation. In the last section, we formulate some conclusions and open problems.

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